Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

*cough* ~ is this thing on?

Pretty shitty for a first post, but I suppose if I really looked I would find that most people did something like this. Or worse. Testing, or maybe Testing 123 in the title, and nothing else. The coward's way out. I'm cramping up here. Not my bowels, or my legs. My flow. You know. When  the words come spilling out. I'm a dreadful typist. I sort of touch type, not looking at the keyboard, but I continually make typos. Horrible horrible typer. I should just keep plowing forward but I'm compelled to edit as I type, correcting typo after typo. Smashy smashy go my fingers on the keyboard, colliding with the key next to the intended target, as though they have inflated to the size of polish sausages. I become enraged. Voice recognition software just ain't quite where it needs to be for me to use it on a regular basis. Besides, I make my living speaking to audiences of people every day and see little need to sit here pouring out my heart to my computer. When I get going I get loud. My neighbors already view me with deep suspicion because of the fez. I don't need trouble. 

Now I'm going to deluxify my first post with a picture.